Monday 3 November 2014

Nothing Much Happening

Due to enforced time of work courtesy of an arm injury, I have not been able to get out this weekend, and there is still a lot of work to do in the garden. Able to do a little bit of pottering but any heavy work is impossible at the moment.
Luckily the third Eastern Crowned Warbler in Cleveland was not needed, having seen the first, and we did not need the {very brief} Blackpoll Warbler up at Spurn either. The Rough Legged Buzzard influx has led to one bird in Hertfordshire at Braughing  being discovered by Mike Illett. Appears to be showing well at times-though it can be very elusive. Hope it sticks around for a bit though I may not be able to get there for another week at least.
Shutting up at night over the weekend, I have been hearing Redwings going over, and a very nice sight on the feeders today were two Coal Tits-always scarce visitors and I have never had two before. Other than that, its the usual suspects-House Sparrows, Dunnocks, Wood  Pigeons, Blue and Great Tits and a Robin.

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