Thursday 16 February 2017

Waxwings at Work

Sometime after lunch I received a tweet about 15 Waxwings round the corner in Argyle Way near the railway line, between 1230 and 1330. Since I wasn't feeling all that great, I thought I'd leave work early and have a stroll round-its only a couple of minutes and I could do with some air. Unfortunately a brief message some time later said they'd flown off, but I decided to go anyway and finished at 3.
I was walking up to the car to dump my bag and pick up the bins and noticed some interesting birds fly into the big oak by the car park exit. Got the bins up and was looking at a flock of very vocal Waxwings!
I popped back into work and called one of my mates out-unfortunately the one who is really interested had left ten minutes earlier.....

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